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Last updated
Additional requirements
2.1 Install Geth
2.2 Create an Ethereum account and keystore. You will be prompted to enter and confirm a password.
Note. Save the address of the key and the path to the secret key file in a text document.
2.3 Extract the latest NuLink image
2.4 Create a directory on your main machine for later use
2.5 Next, enter the command below, pre-editing it with your path to the secret key file we got earlier
Example: cp /root/geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853/keystore/UTC--2023-12-31T17-42-14.316243885Z--f3defb90c2f03e904ba9662a1f16dcd1ca69b00a /root/nulink #Highlighted in red - here you need to replace it with your value
2.6 Make sure this directory has 777 permissions
2.7 Next, we send a certain number of tBNB tokens to your worker address (public address of the key) through the metamask. For example 0.1
2.8 Choose a password of at least 8 characters to lock and unlock the private storage created by NuLink Worker. It is important to remember this password for future access to important information. Use the password you created earlier. And edit the following codes according to your password
2.9 Initializing the node configuration. You will configure the configuration according to your information
Example: docker run -it --rm -p 9151:9151 -v /root/nulink:/code -v /root/nulink:/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink -e NULINK_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD nulink/nulink nulink ursula init --signer keystore:///code/UTC--2023-12-31T17-42-14.316243885Z--f3defb90c2f03e904bd9662a1f16dcd1ca69b00a --eth-provider --network horus --payment-provider --payment-network bsc_testnet --operator-address 0xf3defb90c2f03e904bd9662a1f16dcd1ca69b00a --max-gas-price 10000000000 #You can replace everything highlighted in red with your values
3.0 Save your Public Key and Path to Keystore
3.1 Start the node. The following command will start the node. Make sure you use the same host directory as the configuration
Note 1: You need to get BNB (test) token for Worker account as gas payment
Note 2: If you encounter an error while starting the worker node, first make sure that port 9151 is not occupied by another process. If still not working, check if there is only one json configuration file in </path/to/host/machine/directory>
Note 3. You do not need to change NULINK_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and NULINK_OPERATOR_ETH_PASSWORD to your passwords, just copy the code, your passwords are stored in variables that will be automatically used in this command.
3.2 Check the node status for the work account
If the result is stop now RELAX. - it means that everything is working normally.
3.3 After successfully installing the node, go to and bind your address (public address of the key) to the dashboard
Full (Minimum)
4v CPU
8 GB
Full (Recommended)
4v CPU
30 GB