πŸ†™ Upgrade

πŸ’‘ How it works?

Manual Upgrade - simply copy and paste the code into the terminal.

Planned Upgrade - set up tmux with the provided code, copy the planned upgrade code, paste it into the terminal, after which a tmux session will automatically start counting down to the required block for the upgrade, after which the session will end. At this point, you can detach the session or log out of your server, everything will continue to work in the background. Upon running the script, you will receive all the necessary prompts for exiting, attaching, and viewing active tmux sessions. Useful commands TMUX:

tmux ls - view tmux sessions tmux attach -t "session_name" - connect to an existing session tmux kill-session -t "session_name" - close the tmux session Press Ctrl + b, release and press D to collapse the session you are in.

βš™οΈ v1.5.0

Version: v1.5.0

Height: 8375044

πŸ”§ Manual Upgrade

Update manually only if your node has reached the specified block above.

sudo systemctl stop nibid

cd && rm -rf nibiru
git clone https://github.com/NibiruChain/nibiru.git
cd nibiru
git checkout v1.5.0
make install

sudo systemctl start nibid
sudo journalctl -u nibid -f -o cat

⏱️ Planned upgrade

  1. Install dependecies(only 1 time)

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y tmux
  1. Run autoupgrade script

tmux new -s nibiruv150 "bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UnityNodes/scripts/main/planned-upgrade.sh) nibiru cataclysm-1 8375044 v1.5.0 nibid"

βš™οΈ v1.4.0

Version: v1.4.0

Height: 7457147

πŸ”§ Manual Upgrade

Update manually only if your node has reached the specified block above.

sudo systemctl stop nibid

cd && rm -rf nibiru
git clone https://github.com/NibiruChain/nibiru.git
cd nibiru
git checkout v1.4.0
make install

sudo systemctl start nibid
sudo journalctl -u nibid -f -o cat

⏱️ Planned upgrade

  1. Install dependecies(only 1 time)

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y tmux
  1. Run autoupgrade script

tmux new -s nibiruv140 "bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UnityNodes/scripts/main/planned-upgrade.sh) nibiru cataclysm-1 7457147 v1.4.0 nibid"

Last updated