What is Sonaric Network?

Sonaric Network is a decentralized platform that aggregates and optimizes distributed compute resources like CPUs, GPUs, and storage. The platform leverages AI to autonomously match compute resources to the highest-demand networks across Web3, making it easier for anyone to contribute to blockchain infrastructure. Sonaric enables the dynamic allocation of resources across multiple networks, providing a liquid pool of computational power, which they refer to as an "ocean" of resources. The project aims to democratize access to blockchain node management by making node deployment as simple as possible through AI automation

How Does It Work?

Sonaric Network operates using Proof of Resources, where nodes contribute various hardware resources to the network. Nodes with more computational power, GPUs, and storage are rewarded more generously based on a points system. Each node sends regular "heartbeats" to the network, reporting its uptime and workloads. AI algorithms then allocate workloads to available nodes, optimizing resource utilization across the entire network. This architecture allows for efficient scaling and maximized resource use.

Key Components

Sonaric Network is built on a foundation of interconnected elements, each playing a crucial role in its innovative approach to compute resource allocation:

  • Operators: At the heart of the network are individuals or entities who provide compute resources by running Sonaric nodes.

  • Nodes: These core units, running on operators' machines, form the backbone of the network. Each node is composed of:

  • Package Manager: Maintains an evolving library of templates for various blockchain protocols.

  • Container Runtime: Provides a secure environment for executing guest networks.

  • AI Agent: An LLM-based system that manages resources and drives decision-making.

  • Guest Networks: These are the blockchain nodes or protocols that run within the Sonaric environment, benefiting from its intelligent resource allocation.

  • Network Tracker: Currently a central component monitoring node states and ensuring network functionality, with plans to evolve into a distributed ledger validated by Sonaric nodes themselves.

Use Cases

  • Sonaric can provide AI researchers and developers with decentralized compute power for training large machine learning models.

  • Tasks like climate modeling, genome analysis, and physics simulations require intensive resources, which Sonaric can distribute across its network.

  • Sonaric supports decentralized applications by dynamically scaling resources across blockchain nodes, ensuring optimal performance.

Why Sonaric?

Decentralized solution to managing compute power without relying on centralized servers. The use of AI to manage and allocate resources ensures that the network remains highly efficient, scalable, and adaptable. Additionally, the platform’s rewards system incentivizes node operators to contribute their resources, making it an appealing solution for decentralized infrastructure providers.


Testnet phase

The project is currently in the test network.


Details will be published later. TBA.

Token Utility

Tokens are used to incentivize resource contributors and to facilitate payments within the network. The tokens may also be used for staking, governance, and potentially as a medium of exchange for network services.

Fundraising, partnerships

The only information we have managed to find out is not an investment without details from Web3.com Ventures according to this web resource

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