fairyringd q bank balances $(fairyringd keys show wallet -a)
symphonyd q bank balances "Any other or your wallet"
βοΈ Validator Commands
Create validator
# Create validator.json file
touch $HOME/.fairyring/config/validator.json
# Find your pubkey
fairyringd comet show-validator
#Open a validator.json file
nano $HOME/.fairyring/config/validator.json
#Paste this into the open validator.json file, pre-replacing all values ββthat start with $
"pubkey": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
"key": "+vMHVm134I+Rh4kNqLG/YwvQqDy+YqcZqWtgp7ABUop0="
"amount": "1000000ufairy",
"moniker": "Oliver",
"identity": "",
"website": "",
"security": "",
"details": "Trusted Blockchain validator",
"commission-rate": "0.05",
"commission-max-rate": "0.2",
"commission-max-change-rate": "0.2",
"min-self-delegation": "1"
#After entering and changing all values, save the file with the key combination Ctrl + X and press Enter
#Run command create validator
fairyringd tx staking create-validator $HOME/.fairyring/config/validator.json \
--chain-id fairyring-testnet-2 \
--gas-adjustment="1.5" \
--fees 500ufairy \
--from wallet
You can leave the text after # unchanged - it's a commented hint that won't affect validator creation.
β½ Replace the following values with your own: WALLET - usually it's 'wallet', or your wallet's name.
MONIKER - any convenient name for your validator, displayed in the explorer.
IDENTITY - validator's avatar, displayed in the explorer. Create a KeyBase ID following the instructions or leave it empty, and it will default to a standard one.
DETAILS - details about your validator, also displayed in the explorer.
Replace all necessary values indicated above with the $ sign to successfully create your validator.
β½ Example:
"pubkey": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
"key": "+vMHVm134I+Rh4kNqLG/YwvQqDy+YqcZqWtgp7ABUop0="
"amount": "1000000ufairy",
"moniker": "Oliver",
"identity": "", #if you have your identifier, replace it, or leave it blank
"website": "", #if you have your website, replace it, or leave it blank
"security": "",
"details": "Trusted Blockchain validator",
"commission-rate": "0.05",
"commission-max-rate": "0.2",
"commission-max-change-rate": "0.2",
"min-self-delegation": "1"
# Change CUSTOM_PORT to any other value, or leave it as is.
sed -i.bak -e "s%:26658%:${CUSTOM_PORT}658%; s%:26657%:${CUSTOM_PORT}657%; s%:6060%:${CUSTOM_PORT}060%; s%:26656%:${CUSTOM_PORT}656%; s%:26660%:${CUSTOM_PORT}660%" $HOME/.fairyring/config/config.toml && sed -i.bak -e "s%:9090%:${CUSTOM_PORT}090%; s%:9091%:${CUSTOM_PORT}091%; s%:1317%:${CUSTOM_PORT}317%; s%:8545%:${CUSTOM_PORT}545%; s%:8546%:${CUSTOM_PORT}546%; s%:6065%:${CUSTOM_PORT}065%" $HOME/.fairyring/config/app.toml && sed -i.bak -e "s%:26657%:${CUSTOM_PORT}657%" $HOME/.fairyring/config/client.toml
sudo systemctl restart fairyringd
journalctl -u fairyringd -f -o cat
Set Indexer
null: Disables indexing, reducing the use of server resources, but does not allow fast data searches.
kv: Enables key-value indexing, which increases CPU and disk usage, but improves the speed of indexed data queries.
Indexing allows faster processing of requests, but can increase the load on server resources.
sed -i 's|^indexer *=.*|indexer = "null"|' $HOME/.fairyring/config/config.toml
sed -i 's|^indexer *=.*|indexer = "kv"|' $HOME/.fairyring/config/config.toml
Update Pruning
Prunig allows blockchain nodes to delete old transaction data to reduce disk space usage, while retaining the information necessary to ensure the security and operation of the network.